Thursday, December 11, 2008

Perfect Christmas Gift

OK, so I know there are a lot of golf fans out there. And that typically, golf has been associated with the older generation... Well, here's the perfect gift for any old golfer on your Christmas list.

It's called the Uro Club, and it is spectacular...
Oh he's not checking out his club, that's right friends, he is taking a wizz right there in the great open outdoors.

Honestly, whatever happened to going in the woods, man? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I love late night TV


  1. I always pee in the cup on the green, preferrably all over somebody else's ball who made it there before mine. Then I shake it a few times and giggle. Then I drink more beer.

  2. I need to start golfing with you, then.


What's the happy haps?