Sunday, November 30, 2008

Why do you always do this to me, Mizzou?

Every year, you get me excited for the season, get me pumped up and believing, truly believing this year, at last, is our year. You drag me on 14 hour car trips to see you get pummeled. You let freaking KANSAS drive the field with under 2 minutes to go and let them score an uncontested touchdown. You get my hopes back up, we still have :27 left and two timeouts, this can happen, we only need a field goal. :11 left, we complete a pass then spike the ball... wait, why in the hell did we spike it when we had two timeouts... OK whatever it doesn't matter just need a 5-10 yard pass to get in field goal range, wait, no, we dropped the most crucial pass of the game. And Mizzou, why oh why did you bring me on this emotional rollercoaster just to crash and burn just when the end was in sight? Why, Mizzou, WHYYYY???? You always get my hopes up and then never come through for me.. I'm not gonna fall into this trap again.

So, Oklahoma next week for the Big 12 Championship.

Let's go boys. We can do this. MIZ ZOU RAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Alive and kicking

Unfortunately, the title of this post is referring to racism in America. Thankfully it is not a widespread attitude but it still prevalent enough to make me a little disappointed. I mean 15 minutes after Obama won the election a girl updated her facebook status to say "I can't wait for my hard-earned money to go to all the lazy (racial slur)." It was rather satisfying to see that many people jumped on her and yelled at her for the comments, and she changed the status.

Then last night, I found a story on the Internet about Texas backup linemen Buck Burnette, who was kicked off the Texas football team for his facebook status. After the election, he changed his status to "All the hunters gather up, we got a (racial slur) in the White House." Link here:

How stupid do you honestly have to be? I mean this is the PRESIDENT of the United States, we're talking about, and you are gonna essentially put out a death threat to him? He's lucky he just got kicked off the team with no legal trouble pending.

Anyway, I sincerely hope that Obama does a wonderful job guiding this country and fixing some of its problems. I have confidence that he will. Not just for the fact that I want America to get back on track anyway, but so that hopefully some of these ignorant people will learn to look past the color of a person's skin and see who they really are. Some things will never change, though.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My political compass

Your political compass

Economic Left/Right: -4.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.21

I found this website that gives you an estimate of where you stand on the economic and social left/right sliding scale. It's no new information really, if you know where you stand on the issues, but still sort of cool to see where you stand in the likes of Ghandi, Stalin, or Hitler.

I was happy that Obama won, however, the reactions to the election of many of my friends was very discouraging. It really showed who knew their stuff and who went into the voting booths blindly and just bubbled in the circle mommy and daddy told them to bubble in. It was pretty sad. I talked to many people about the results, and the ones who actually understood the issues were tended to be the more level-headed ones who were willing to give Obama a chance before saying America is going to Hell. I had people telling me Obama is a socialist who wants to give hard working peoples' money to lazy bums on the street. Puh-lease. Even a tiny bit of research proves this false. First of all, he's giving tax CUTS to middle class families. The increase is going to 250+ income households. Now I am in NO way saying that those people are not hard-working. That sort of money does not come easily in this world. I was just pissed at the fact that the people making those comments were not close to being in that bracket, and were going to be receiving the benefits of the cuts. I am completely open minded to the opposite opinion, but freakin do your research and understand what you are talking about before you make statements based on no verifiable facts and that you can't back up. Don't be ignorant.

OK, so whew. Calm down and breathe. Now that I can get off my high horse I can honestly say there are many things that I make ignorant statements that are based more on emotion and perception than verifiable facts. It proves we all have room to improve, I guess.

I'm looking forward to the next four years.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Well I am off to vote soon. It will be nice to not have to see or hear a political ad every commercial break on tv or radio after today.

In other news, my neighbor bought a bb gun yesterday. He then proceeded to use one of our chairs on the porch, prop a flattened cardboard box up on it, pin a target he drew on computer paper to the cardboard, then shoot at it for the greater part of an hour. I think the trailer park behind us is starting to rub off on him.

DISCLAIMER: the above was supposed to be an attempt at humor, and I know that not every person in a trailer park is a redneck. Just the majority.

Anyway, this Saturday is the last game at Faurot Field this year. The last game there ever for the likes of Chase Daniel, Chase Coffman, William Moore, and the other seniors on this team. Their class has been phenomenally successful at MU and in large part helped to put Mizzou football on the map. It should be a great game; November night game, Senior Night, Blackout Game, etc. all make for a wonderful atmosphere.

Another interesting fact: the seniors on this football team have taken turns wearing the number 25 during different games throughout the season in honor of Aaron O'Neil, who collapsed and died during a voluntary workout in 2005. He would have been a senior this year, and his family will be on the field during the senior presentations on Saturday. I think these guys have done him a great honor.

That's all for now. Peace